
Showing posts from October, 2017

Protein Synthesis


Historical Influences

1. I believe the individual who had the most influence on Darwin was Alfred Russel Wallace 2. Alfred Russel Wallace is considered one of the most influential and important intellectuals of the 18th century. He not only published the theory of evolution with Darwin he also made numerous other contributions to many other areas such as biology, anthropology, epidemiology, and astrobiology. More information on Alfred Russel Wallace can be found here: 3. Alfred Russel Wallace contributions touched on many of the topics under the 'How does evolution work' subject of this assignment. He wrote papers both theorizing that species not only descended from other species but also that new species were formed due to environmental factors. He followed up his theory with another paper directly to Darwin suggesting that evolution is driven by competition and natural selection. 4. Darwin had already started to develop his theory of evolution by the time Wallace re